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категория товаров: кабельный монтаж > втулки проходные (муфты), зажимы

 НаименованиеОписаниеЦена, руб
купить CB-5B-2CB-5B-2втулка круглая пластмассовая проходная для изоляции кабеля при пропуске через стенку 6.4-7.4mm
A range of,цвет черный nylon bushes, enabling protection and securing anchorage of cables in panel exit/entry locations.

A range of,цвет черный nylon bushes, enabling protection and securing anchorage of cables in panel exit/entry locations.

wire size: 6.4 - 7.4
H (mm): 12.7
W (mm): 11.4
T (mm): 2.6
L (mm): 11.1
round shape

купить CB-9H-2CB-9H-2втулка плоская пластмассовая проходная для изоляции кабеля/провода при пропуске через стенку (кабельный бушинг)
A range of,цвет черный nylon bushes, enabling protection and securing anchorage of cables in panel exit/entry locations.

A range of,цвет черный nylon bushes, enabling protection and securing anchorage of cables in panel exit/entry locations.

wire size: 6.4 - 7.4
H (mm): 19.0
W (mm): 19.0
T (mm): 1.6
L (mm): 18.8
round shape

купить SPLICE-YELLOWSPLICE-YELLOWзажим защелкивающийся для спаривания 2 проводов
Snap-on connectors for joining two cables, no stripping necessary. Ideal for joining into existing cables.

Snap-on connectors for joining two cables, no stripping necessary. Ideal for joining into existing cables.

diam. 4.2 mm
cable 4.8 mm

купить SPLICE-REDSPLICE-REDзажим защелкивающийся для спаривания 2 проводов
Snap-on connectors for joining two cables, no stripping necessary. Ideal for joining into existing cables.

Snap-on connectors for joining two cables, no stripping necessary. Ideal for joining into existing cables.

diam. 2.5 mm
cable 3.0 mm

купить SPLICE-BLUESPLICE-BLUEзажим защелкивающийся для спаривания 2 проводов
Snap-on connectors for joining two cables, no stripping necessary. Ideal for joining into existing cables.

Snap-on connectors for joining two cables, no stripping necessary. Ideal for joining into existing cables.

diam. 3.3 mm
cable 4.2 mm

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